City Hall

City Hall

Address 215 N. Monroe Pittsfield, IL 62363

Hours Monday - Friday; 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 217-285-4484

Fax: 217-285-4485

City Hall is located at 215 N. Monroe, just 1.5 blocks north of U.S. 54 on the east side of the Pike County Courthouse. 📍

The City Clerk's Office, located inside the City Hall, is responsible for maintaining city records, monitoring appropriations and bills for the city departments, and sending utility billings for sewer, water and gas usage to residents. They also handle various other duties to support the operation of the city.

Stop by if you need assistance or have questions about city services!

Gary Mendenhall

Gary Mendenhall

Elected April 6, 2021

The mayor is the Chief Executive Officer for the City of Pittsfield. This person presides over City Council meetings, ex-officio member of all City committees, appoints residents to Library Board, Park District Board, City Planning Commission, Lake Advisory Committee and appoints Alderman to City Committees. The mayor works with the Aldermen in developing the annual budget, supervises all City employees and represents the City of Pittsfield at various functions in and out of the city.

Ann Moffit

Ann Moffit

Appointed September 13, 2019

Maintains the records of the city. Monitors appropriations and bills. Is the central contact for all City Departments. Sends bills and collects payments for water, sewer and gas utilities to residents of the city. Answers Freedom of Information requests. Responsible for all local, state and federal reporting of City funds and taxes. Serves as recorder for City Council meetings. Supervises the office staff.

Stacey Helms

Stacey Helms

Elected April 30, 2023

Responsible for administering the ordinances for the City of Pittsfield.


Brittney Emerick

Economic Development Director

Provides assistance to new businesses as well as existing businesses that are planning to expand. Maintains the web site for the city. Provides assistance to the Mayor, Aldermen and City employees regarding economic development needs. Represents the City at functions if the Mayor is unable to attend. Collaborates with City, County and State economic development organizations on economic development issues. Provides technical assistance to organizations in the city for grants.

Tom Reinhardt

Tom Reinhardt

Public Works Director

Responsible for overseeing all aspects of Public Works for the City of Pittsfield.

Kenny Gwartney

Kenny Gwartney

Zoning Administrator

Responsible for overseeing building permits and zoning matters within the City of Pittsfield.